Services for the extraction industry, in the fields of geological resources, exploitation methods, mineral processing, environment and technical advice.
Research and evaluation of mineral masses and deposits.
Studies on location and territorial sustainability.
Geological studies and geological and structural studies.
Qualitative and quantitative characterization of reserves.
Technical and economic studies.
Research and characterization of ornamental rocks.
Research and characterization of inert granulates for industrial applications.
Strategic planning, aligned with the territorial management policies and with the regulatory procedures in the environment area.
Open-pit and underground mining exploitation project..
Quarrying project (Quarry Plan).
Dimensioning of fire diagrams to open-pit and underground extractions.
Integration and landscape recovery plans;
Conversion of exploited areas for other uses (waste landfills, town planning, and recreation).
Industrial and geological waste management (debris, sludge) – minimization of the produced volumes, conditioning and development.
Mineral processing and aggregates installation projects.
Dimensioning and integrity analysis of sterile deposits.
Technological research.
Production optimization – Quarrying methods and mineral processing technologies.
Technical assistance.